Poe e la cacciatrice di draghi. Le guerre del Multiverso. Vol. 2
by Troisi Licia
It has been two years since Poe killed Dhanab. Or at least, since she attempted to do so and seemed to have succeeded, but how certain can she be? In the intervening years she has gone out on her own and continued to work with Damyan, hired together in the most diverse corners of the Multiverse. Their latest adventure took them to Lakheeta, the planet of dragons. But what was supposed to be a fairly straightforward mission turns out to be treacherous: a local slayer named Threena attacks them mistaking them for dragon slayers, whose population has been sacrilegiously decimated perhaps by the Seekers themselves. But if that were the case, it would mean only one thing, that Dhanab is still alive.
- Publishing house Rizzoli
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 448
- ISBN 9788817181143
- Foreign Rights sonia.finotello@rizzolilibri.it
- Ebook disponibile
- Price 17.00
Troisi Licia
Licia Troisi (1980) has a degree in Astrophysics. For Mondadori, in 2015, she published Dove va a finire il cielo. She is the author of the sagas of Mondo Emerso, Dragon Girl, Regni di Nashira, Pandora and La saga del dominio, all published by Mondadori. In 2019 she published with Mondadori I casi impossibili di Zoe e Lu in 2020 is instead La sfrontata bellezza del cosmo (Rizzoli). In 2023, Astrofisica per ansiosi was published by Rizzoli.