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Il prigioniero nella pietra. I misteri di Mercurio

Who’s trying to stop Michelangelo finishing his David? In Renaissance Florence, Nina, Lorenzo and Jamal find themselves in the service of the famous artist. The three friends investigate the lively city to debunk a damaging accusation of murder against the brilliant sculptor. They’ll see it all – rivalry between colleagues, plotting by shady individuals – and discover a dark side to the great maestro’s character.

Daniele Nicastro was born in 1970 and is of Sicilian origin. He currently lives in a little town in the province of Cuneo where he writes all kinds of things: novels, postcards, messages in bottles and phrases on walls. He started telling stories as a boy, to his mother, every time he came home late without warning her. Over time, he has made a profession of it. He made his debut with the novel Grande (Grown up), Einaudi Ragazzi, 2017, winner of the Legenda Junior Prize.