Quando inizia la felicità. Di domande, nascite e rinascite
by Gotto Gianluca
“Each of my personal revolutions, whether it was professional, interpersonal, or spiritual, didn’t start from absolute certainty but from a question. Searching for an answer was the only way to learn the truth. And when I couldn’t find it immediately, I was forced to leave to look for it. In the world, in myself, in other people. This book is a collection of questions that stirred something deep in my heart and in my mind.” Gianluca Gotto shares the questions that accompanied him throughout his personal growth.: without holding back, he writes about his experiences from these past few years: challenging moments and frailties, but also his rebirth, the dreams he achieved, theawareness he gained through Buddhism, the many encounters that lit his way, his boundless love for Claudia, and the immense joy of fatherhood. A book full of advice and food for thought to live your best life, but also reassuring like a cup of tea on a cold and rainy afternoon, the first hug after a long while, a chat with that friend that listens to you without judging. A travel journal punctuated with questions that can be revisited over and over again to find a sign, inspiration, motivation to stop waiting or chasing happiness, but to look for it where we already are: here and now.
- Publishing house Mondadori
- Year of publication 2024
- Number of pages 360
- ISBN 9788804773177
- Foreign Rights Elena Biagi elena.biagi@mondadori.it, Anna Garbarino anna.garbarino@consulenti.mondadori.it
- Price 19.50
Gotto Gianluca
Gianluca Gotto is a digital nomad: he writes articles and books while traveling around the world, especially throughout Asia. He shares his Zen lessons and life experiences on his Instagram account and his blog “Mangia Vivi Viaggia.” In 2018, he wrote down his life story in the book Le coordinate della felicità, which he then followed up with the novels Come una notte a Bali, Succede sempre qualcosa di meraviglioso and La pura vida: his five books have sold over 400.000 copies.