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The simplest and most ingenious of methods that allows you to access the imaginative richness of your mind, by especially enhancing intuitive and creative intelligence. A «training of thought» that brings us into a deep state of relaxation, that space of well-being and mental calmness where the roots of our dormant talents can be spontaneously found. All of the motivational self-help courses available to us today, which promote the development of self-esteem, personal improvement and enhance expressiveness, intuition, and creativity, all credit Silva’s teachings.

Marisa Paschero lives in Turin and has dealt with graphology for over 20 years with particular interest in the language of symbols. She holds traditional and planetary graphology courses, conferences and seminars. After obtaining a degree in literature, she became a consultant for children and adolescents and has specialized in handwriting techniques. Marisa has explored and expanded her work on writing difficulties.