SOS acqua
by Rossi Sergio
Along with air, we all know that water is the most precious commodity on our planet, because without water there would be no life. We also know that the water cycle ensures that the total quantity of this fundamental resource always remains unchanged; but we are unaware, and our actions often prove it, that most of the water on our planet is not drinkable, and that the water we can use for our existence is decreasing day by day, because it is diminishing in the sources we exploit, such as rivers and underground aquifers, to reappear in other forms that we cannot use, such as the oceans. What is occurring, in short, is a real ‘water emergency’ that requires a new awareness on the part of everyone, to remedy the risks it could bring in the not too distant future. A non-fiction book for children from 11 years old. An in-depth look at the issues of climate change, the relationship between humans and nature and the future of our planet. A book that explains why water plays a central role in all sectors of society and why it is essential to stop its intensive exploitation. Reading age: from 11 years.
- Publishing house Einaudi Ragazzi
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 112
- ISBN 9788866568018
- Foreign Rights Mara Nascimben -
- Price 11.00
Rossi Sergio
Sergio Rossi (1970) has a degree in Physics, lives in Bologna and works in publishing. An expert and historian of comics, he edited the critical magazine Fumo di China. He writes novels and short stories for children, books on popular science and the history of comics. Among these the most recent are: Il secolo elettrico (2020), La deriva dei continenti (2021), Quando si accesero le stelle (2022) together with Guido Tonelli, L’avventura di Darwin (2022) and Prime lezioni di fisica (2023).