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Bartolo Cattafi’s was one of the most original voices in contemporary Italian poetry. Yet, despite the attestations of some of the greatest critics and poets of the 20th century, his verses have so far remained dispersed or only available in anthological form. The edition of Tutte le poesie (All Poems) edited by Diego Bertelli offers for the first time a complete overview of Cattafi’s oeuvre: the reader will find his entire poetic production collected here, accompanied by a detailed chronology, an extensive apparatus of information on the texts and an up-to-date bibliography. The volume is enriched by a series of appendices in which dispersed poems and those published in plaquettes, artist’s books and bibliophile editions are brought together. The introduction, signed by Raoul Bruni, re-examines Cattafi’s reception in the 20th-century canon, highlighting the innovations that make him, today more than ever, a poet of European stature.

Edited by Diego Bertelli. Introduction by Raoul Bruni


Bartolo Cattafi (Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, 1922 – Milan, 1979) made his debut with Nel centro della mano (1951), which was followed by Partenza da Greenwich (1955) and Le mosche del meriggio (1958). L’osso, l’anima (1964) marks the apex of his first creative phase. After a long silence, he published six more poetry collections: L’aria secca del fuoco (1972), La discesa al trono (1975), Marzo e le sue idi (1977), L’allodola ottobrina (1979), Chiromanzia d’inverno (1983) e Segni (1986).