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Australia andata e ritorno. Sogni e delusioni di un emigrante italiano

In the post-war period, a suffering Italy pushed its children abroad, to distant countries: a generation of Italian emigrants, ready to sacrifice for a better future. Until the early 1970s, more than 200,000 Italians emigrated to Australia, the ‘brand new’ continent, distant and unknown but full of hope. Long ship journeys, ‘long-distance’ marriages, hard work in the Australian outback were just some of the stages our compatriots travelled to try to reach the coveted prosperity. Luciana Pezza’s autobiographically inspired work tells a story of emigrants from the Marche region, between the courage of departure and the nostalgia of return: the narrating voices are those of the author herself, when she was a child, and of her father Sante, who will have to take sad stock of so many tribulations. A glimpse into a past that many, even indirectly, have experienced, but which few remember. A book that gives voice, between poetic and humorous moments, to a generation of forgotten Italians.

Luciana Pezza was born on 28 March 1957 in Sydney to Italian parents. In 1965 she arrived in Italy with her family for a short visit that would turn into a permanent move. Since 2000, she has worked continuously with the British Academy Language School in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) where she teaches English and Italian for Foreigners.