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Bebè a costo zero. Guida al consumo critico per accogliere e accudire al meglio il nostro bambino

Baby carriers, strollers, baby food and nappies… How much does being parents cost today?

According to surveys and statistics, the first year investment amounts to thousands of Euros.

Who would ever have their kids lack for anything? Only the best for them! But what’s best to a baby? What does a newborn really need?

No Cost Baby is a journey in the crowded world of infant products, discovering what is really useful to a little child during pregnancy and infancy and making the effective needs of both mother and child out of the advertising needs.

 At the end of this journey, a wide range of suggestions and practical tips are available to avoid sparing money and to give our baby all that she really needs to physically and psychologically develop and grow up happily and peacefully.

 Special care is also given to the environment where our babies will grow up.

Opinions by health professionals – paediatricians, obstetricians and psychologists – and dozens of mothers and fathers (dealing with pregnancy, food, hygiene, toys, clothes, sleep, etc.) are also included, making this book a useful tool for all new parents and parents-to-be.

Giorgia Cozza is a journalist writing articles about pregnancy, breastfeeding, mother’s health and psychological care and baby care for several Italian magazines.