Me lo leggi?
by Cozza Giorgia, Cozza Giorgia, Cozza Giorgia
The mother’s voice is capable of producing significant effects already during pregnancy: the baby in the belly develops immersed in liquid, but also in sounds, which after birth are strongly sought after.The word that becomes a voice is the basis of communication and human relationship, and for the child represents an experience that gives order and meaning to reality. Reading is also the best antidote to television, the main source of passive and unidirectional ‘communication’ of our time. Me lo leggi? talks about fairy tales, nursery rhymes, stories and legends, read and reread thousands of times or invented on the spot, told, sung, dreamed, sung, with the voice and the heart to tell our child the most important story, that of our love for him. The scientific articles, the opinions of experts (psychologists, pediatricians, pedagogists) and the many practical suggestions proposed by Giorgia Cozza answer all those questions that future and new parents often ask themselves: what does the baby feel in the belly? Why is it important to read and tell stories from the first months of life? Can we foster a love of reading at school age? The couples of parents interviewed talk about the importance that stories and tales have had in the serene and happy growth of their children, because when a father or mother reads or tells stories, what is created is a situation of intense well-being: the child, in fact, not only enjoys the story told, but also the exclusive attention that the parent reserves for him at those times.In addition, fairy tales and stories help him to better understand the reality that surrounds him and his own feelings, emotions and fears. These moments of reading and storytelling should not have any didactic purpose, but simply that of living happy moments together with our children and weaving strong bonds with them. Shared reading is an integral part of a style of care based on contact and proximity, able to promote serenity and security in the complex and delicate first years of life.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2012
- Number of pages 280
- ISBN 9788865800355
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 18.00 €
Cozza Giorgia, Cozza Giorgia, Cozza Giorgia
Giorgia Cozza is a mother-journalist, specialized in the maternal-infant sector, author of children\’s books and numerous manuals for parents, which have become an important reference point for many families in Italy and abroad.She has been a speaker at numerous conferences for parents and professionals in the field and a guest on television to answer questions related to the care of children and an environmentally friendly parenting style.