21 September 2021

Ciak per due

by Tumminello Enzo, Tumminello Enzo, Tumminello Enzo
Ciak per due

What do the minestrone prepared by Sergio Castellitto in ‘Ricette d’amore’ and the spaghetti Mario Ruoppolo style cooked by Troisi in ‘Postino’ have in common? Billy Crystall’s pizzaiola slices in ‘Forget Paris’, and the steak waved by Giancarlo Giannini under the nose of the waiter in the film ‘La cena’? They are all pretexts, occasions for meetings or famous farewells in the history of cinema. Ciak per due is a ‘montage’ of some of the stories born, or ended, around a table set for dinner or in front of a particular dish, selected by the author Enzo Tumminello, obtaining a sequence that lends itself to any possible discussion, but that, for this very reason, offers the reader the cue for further proposals. Cooking is a ritual that seems to get lost little by little, among fashions and frenzies that have little to do with the most authentic relationship with food: a relationship related to the ability to enjoy the dishes and the company of the people we love the most, especially when this person is the person par excellence.

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2004
  • Number of pages 70
  • ISBN 9788887139631
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
  • Ebook Disponibile
  • Price 10.00 €

Tumminello Enzo, Tumminello Enzo, Tumminello Enzo

Enzo Tumminello lives in Torre Pellice and works in Turin at the daily newspaper La Stampa. He has a degree in Contemporary History from the University of Turin and is passionate about cinema. He has collaborated with magazines in the sector and with the online newspaper Il Nuovo.

Ciak per due

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