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Cristalli, olî essenziali e fiori di Bach

The result of decades of studies and experiences, finally the volume that collects the skills and passion that distinguish Federica Zanca, pedagogist and naturopath of national caliber. Looking closely at every encounter and every treatment, Cristalli, olî essenziali e fiori di Bach is much more than a manual: it is the perfect travel companion to work alongside and learn about a type of medicine that «does not replace official medicine, nor does it it contrasts but simply joins it, integrating it».

Federica Zanca was born in Verona on January 26, 1971. She graduated in Pedagogy with a psychological address and practiced as a school teacher and psycho-pedagogist. She later specialized in holistic techniques of natural medicine, obtaining with full marks the diploma of psychosomatic naturopath Riza and of Wellness Operator. For Argentodorato you have published L’arte del tocco (2017), on craniosacral holistic therapy, and Da cuore a cuore (2019).