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Extraordinary characters who have \’a nose for every day and one for the party\’, houses that fly and walk their owner among the hills, a lively imaginary geography that sends islands on vacation and makes mountains walk, \’open\’ stories that every reader will be able to continue and conclude: Rodari\’s very first experiences speak to us of a mature writer, capable of moving between the themes that will characterize his subsequent production and that will determine its lasting success. Over fifty fairy tales, some short, others a little longer, all marked by the same imagination and creative ability that have made Rodari one of the most loved authors by children.

Gianni Rodari was a teacher a journalist. Starting in the 1950s, he began to publish his works for children, which immediately achieved enormous success, countless translations and deserved various awards, including, in 1970, the prestigious «Hans Christian Andersen» award

Sophie Fatus has published illustrations and stories with Italian and foreign publishing houses. Over the years she has received numerous prizes and awards