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“The game of why is the oldest in the world. Before even learning to speak, man had to have a big question mark on his head \’: Gianni Rodari\’s words clearly clarify the meaning of the\’ why \’of this book and take us inside a literary workshop where rationality and imagination , science and poetry live together. Born from two journalistic columns in which the writer answered the most disparate questions of his young readers, the \’whys\’ once again give a measure of the greatness of Gianni Rodari, who with vivacity and irony knew how to make young and old readers think.

Gianni Rodari was a teacher a journalist. Starting in the 1950s, he began to publish his works for children, which immediately achieved enormous success, countless translations and deserved various awards, including, in 1970, the prestigious «Hans Christian Andersen» award

Giulia Orecchia began drawing when she was a child, among her teachers: Bruno Munari, Pino Tovaglia, Narciso Silvestrini.