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Giovannino Perdigiorno belongs to the lineage of great explorers: he has curiosity and a spirit of adventure. The worlds he often encounters, however, do not completely satisfy him and so, after a short stop, he sets off again to pursue the dream of a \’country without error\’, where everything is perfect and beautiful. The crackling nursery rhymes and the funny tales can only be imaginative and illuminating. By inventing the character of Giovannino Perdigiorno, Rodari has been able to transfer his desire for optimism, utopia, and a bet on the future to one of his most vivid characters.

Gianni Rodari was a teacher a journalist. Starting in the 1950s, he began to publish his works for children, which immediately achieved enormous success, countless translations and deserved various awards, including, in 1970, the prestigious «Hans Christian Andersen» award

Desideria Guicciardini has illustrated numerous books for children. In 2014 she won the «Premio Andersen» for best illustrator.