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Smiling nursery rhymes on punctuation, trains that travel on the tracks of fantasy, bizarre characters that came out of the unforgettable magician\’s hat of Gianni. With Filastrocche in cielo e in terra, Gianni Rodari has brought unforgettable verses into the homes of millions of children, capable, at the same time, of making people think and have fun: bizarre characters, smiling nursery rhymes on punctuation, \’upside down fairy tales\’ capable of surprising extraordinary conclusions, verses of serious, but not dramatic social commitment. The nursery rhymes in the book open many paths to readers\’ imagination and invite to never separate the power of the imagination from the desire to know the world to change it and make it better.

Gianni Rodari was a teacher a journalist. Starting in the 1950s, he began to publish his works for children, which immediately achieved enormous success, countless translations and deserved various awards, including, in 1970, the prestigious «Hans Christian Andersen» award

Bruno Munari worldwide renown artist and designer, has gone through the most important artistic avant-gardes of the twentieth century