26 May 2024
Il cibo del Mahatma Gandhi. Piatti e ricette di un crudista ante litteram
by Pracca PierpaoloFew people know that Mahatma Gandhi was a pioneer of raw-food and and fruitarian diets. From an early age, he was convinced that the spiritual and moral development of the human being could not be separated from what he always considered the best diet for body and soul. This short essay aims to clarify and analyse a still little-known aspect of this great philosopher and politician. The essay will not fail to excite those interested in or practising food choices such as vegetarianism, veganism, raw-food and fruitarianism.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 124
- ISBN 9788865804964
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini Agency, annaspadolini@com
- Price 12.00
Pracca Pierpaolo
Pierpaolo Pracca, a scholar of the history of mentalities, combines his work as a writer with that of a psychoanalyst.