Ludmilla e il corvo
by Serio GennaroAn Icelandic scholar sits in the shade of a veranda overlooking the vineyards of Coimbra. His hand rests on a stack of yellowed papers, believed to only exist in the most daring fantasies of literary critics from around the world. If it were what it seems, it would contain the story of a doll’s long journey, as she’s chased by elusive figures that keep her away from the love of her life, a crow. In search of those phantom pages – pursued in vain among circus tents, impregnable safes, and approximate translations – manuscript hunters and fanatics ready to do anything have launched themselves for decades. It is rumored to be the legendary novel that Franz Kafka would have written to console a tearful little girl he met during a walk in the park in September 1923. Gennaro Serio draws from this real episode in the life of the great Prague writer and, with iridescent prose and a wit dense with humor, transforms it into a relentless narrative game. «Ludmilla and the Crow» is a fairy tale-like, gripping, and stubbornly improbable novel, a celebration of fiction that memorializes the imaginative power of literature.
- Publishing house L'orma
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 208
- ISBN 9791254760321
- Foreign Rights Claudia Romagnuolo (
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 18.00
Serio Gennaro
Gennaro Serio was born in Naples in 1989. He works in the editorial department of «Alias D», the supplement of manifesto, and collaborates with various newspapers and cultural inserts. His first work, Notturno di Gibilterra (L’orma editore 2020), a literary and parodistic detective story, won the Italo Calvino Prize and has been compared to the atmospheres of Bolaño and Eco and hailed as one of the most surprising debuts in recent years. Ludmilla e il corvo is his second novel.