Macchi Mc 202 Folgore parte 1
by Di Terlizzi MaurizioThe first part of the monography is dedicated to one of the most required aircraft of the Second World War, that deals with all aspects of the typeʼs life from development through service.The text and the captions are in Italian and English, the modelling making is impeccable. The book contains a helpful section in modelling the aircraft based on the Astrokit and Classic Airframe 1:48 scale models, it includes a wide range of resources such as colour profiles, some rare colour photos (both war time and current), original technical shots of the cockpit plus scale plans.
- Publishing house IBN
- Year of publication 2011
- Number of pages 64
- ISBN 9788886815420
- Price 15.50 €
Di Terlizzi Maurizio
Maurizio Di Terlizzi was born in 1968 in Rome. He has always been keen of flying and Aviation and holds the rank of Warrant Officer of Italian CustomPolice, as an helicopter instructor crew chief at the Flight Line of theTraining, Studies and Aerial Standardization at Pratica di Mare AB (Rome). A painstaking modeller, he still takes part at International Competitions both as a competitor than as a judge. He won in three occasions the Gold Medal in the Championship of Paris and Telford.