1 June 2020

Macchi Mc 205 Veltro

by Di Terlizzi Maurizio
Macchi Mc 205 Veltro

Unmissable Italian/English volume that tells the story ofthe Macchi MC205, the II WW Italian aircraft that was meant to take the place of MC202. Complete and rich of technical details, with coloured photos both wartime and current (the modern shots include cockpit views and the contemporary views offer some useful references for the distinctive green/sand “ring” camouflage of the Veltro). The book hastotally 22 coloured and 37 black and white illustrations and various hand drawings. A chapter is dedicated to MC205 pilotsʼ uniforms, all described with great precision. In the appendix we find the story of Luigi Gorrini, the pilot that flew the most with this aircraft. To complete the monography the author describes in detail two model kits: Hasegawa and Supermodel.

  • Publishing house IBN
  • Year of publication 2011
  • Number of pages 64
  • ISBN 9788886815550
  • Price 9.60 €

Di Terlizzi Maurizio

Maurizio Di Terlizzi was born in 1968 in Rome. He has always been keen of flying and Aviation and holds the rank of Warrant Officer of Italian CustomPolice, as an helicopter instructor crew chief at the Flight Line of theTraining, Studies and Aerial Standardization at Pratica di Mare AB (Rome). A painstaking modeller, he still takes part at International Competitions both as a competitor than as a judge. He won in three occasions the Gold Medal in the Championship of Paris and Telford.

Macchi Mc 205 Veltro

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