Maria Montessori, una storia attuale
by Honegger Fresco Grazia, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Honegger Fresco Grazia
Maria Montessori was certainly an extraordinary woman, capable of arousing the most heated enthusiasm and the most hostile condemnations.Even today her thinking and her discoveries provoke conflicting reactions. The biography Maria Montessori, an up-to-date story examines all the phases of her life: from the first years of her education, marked by the fact that she was one of the first women doctors in Italy, to the unhappy affair of her hidden motherhood. From the feminist battles, which rooted in her a new sensibility of social justice, to her dedication to less fortunate children, to her revolutionary pedagogical idea, based on the promotion of the child’s skills and freedom, from childhood to adolescence. This third edition of Grazia Honegger Fresco includes numerous updates, corrections, and new chapters, thanks in part to the important contribution of great-granddaughter Carolina Montessori.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2018
- Number of pages 260
- ISBN 9788865801734
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Foreign Rights sold Polish and Spanish right sold
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 25.00 €
Honegger Fresco Grazia, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Honegger Fresco Grazia
Grazia Honegger Fresco (Rome, January 6, 1929 – Castellanza, September 30, 2020), a student of Maria Montessori, has long experienced the innovative power of her proposals in maternity hospitals, nests, children’s homes and elementary schools. On the basis of her experiences with children and their parents, she has dedicated much of her energy to the training of educators in Italy and abroad.