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Are we sure the baby should sleep when we decide? Are we sure his nightly cry is a whimper? Does he sleep too much? Does he sleep too little? Do we sometimes wish we had a magic wand to put him to sleep? Even worse, some people resort to medication. We are off the track! Grazia Honegger Fresco, in her book Facciamo la nanna, clarifies the reasons that should lead us to reject all the ‘quick and easy’ methods to get young children to sleep (such as the sadly famous one of Eduard Estivill, known to specialists for the violence of the approach and the potential harm to the child) and instead outlines the gentler and more respectful approaches to deal with sleep problems.

Grazia Honegger Fresco (Rome, January 6, 1929 – Castellanza, September 30, 2020), a student of Maria Montessori, has long experienced the innovative power of her proposals in maternity hospitals, nests, children’s homes and elementary schools. On the basis of her experiences with children and their parents, she has dedicated much of her energy to the training of educators in Italy and abroad.