Tre sguardi sul bambino
by Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari Barbara, Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari Barbara, Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari BarbaraTre sguardi sul bambino (Three looks at the child), written by Grazia Honegger Fresco, Emanuela Cocever and Barbara Ongari, aims at briefly tracing the life and works of Maria Montessori, Emmi Pikler and Elinor Goldschmied, three great pioneers of education who highlighted the central role of each child in the realization of his or her own growth path.The personal perspectives with which each of them proposes the foundations of educational action (such as observation, quality of materials, methods of adult intervention) highlight their importance and relevance in the professional practice of educators and teachers today.
Our job is to give help when it is requested. If we are careful not to interfere with the child\’s activities and interests, unless they become dangerous, nature will take care of his development.
Maria Montessori
The essential thing is that the child discovers things as much as possible on his own. If we help him to find the solution to all problems, we deprive him of something essential to his development. A child who achieves something through his own experience acquires knowledge of a higher quality than if someone offered him the solution.
Emmi Pikler
Adults often think that if they do not intervene directly in play, they are deprived of a role; they do not realize that it is only their presence that gives children confidence as they play and learn.
Elinor Goldschmied
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 196
- ISBN 9788865803073
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 18.00 €
Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari Barbara, Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari Barbara, Cocever Emanuela, Honegger Fresco Grazia, Ongari Barbara
Grazia Honegger Fresco (Rome, January 6, 1929 – Castellanza, September 30, 2020), a student of Maria Montessori, has long experienced the innovative power of her proposals in maternity hospitals, nurseries, children’s homes and elementary schools.
Emanuela Cocever, former researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences in Bologna.
Barbara Ongari, child psychotherapist, specialist in developmental age.