6 October 2022

Mindfulness per genitori

by Porta Claudia, Porta Claudia, Porta Claudia
Mindfulness per genitori

Being a mindful parent is the key to having authentic and fulfilling relationships with your children. In Mindfulness for Parents, author Claudia Porta aims to provide concrete help to all parents who wish to strengthen this awareness, without necessarily spending a lot of time meditating: every opportunity is good to practice mindfulness and develop the attitude that allows us to live our daily lives with serenity, clarity and balance. A useful tool for dealing with situations that seem to get out of hand, such as the tantrums of small children, friction with older children, difficult family relationships, and finding peace and the state of grace in which we feel that we do not need reason to be happy. A book that is easy to read and offers exercises to do alone or with children, to fully enjoy the countless benefits that this practice can bring.

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 104
  • ISBN 9788865802519
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
  • Ebook Disponibile
  • Price 12.00 €

Porta Claudia, Porta Claudia, Porta Claudia

Claudia Porta is an author, blogger and teacher of yoga and meditation. She has lived in Provence since 2007 and runs the blog She also organises guided yoga and meditation classes.

Mindfulness per genitori

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