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Ribut. Dialoghi, visioni e paradossi poetici

Is it possible to rewrite the great authors of literature? Ribut tries to answer this question, a miscellany of poems and prose revisited with themes, syntax and lexicon updated to what are the scents, expressive methods and emotional criticalities of this generation of poets. From Saffo to Alda Merini, passing through Saba, Montale and Ungaretti, there are 36 texts on which the group of young artists worked to forge lyrics in which there is no lack of references to topical problems and questions, such as the lockdown, the white deaths , violence against women, trans-homophobia, the war in Ukraine and the Cucchi case. With this ‘literary reboot’, with this poetic contamination that crosses the barriers of time and space, Marcello Affuso and Maria Laura Amendola, together with Manuel Torre and Lucia Maritato (debutants class ’98′ and ’99), celebrate the beauty and the fluidity of the word in an absolutely new and absolutely necessary operation. To enrich the experience, also and above all visual-sensorial, of the project, the illustrations by Federica Dias and the sound suggestions of Achille Campanile.

Marcello Affuso, born in 1989, is a Neapolitan journalist, teacher and photographer. In 2011 his debut novel, A un passo da te was published. After the foundation of ‘Eroica Fenice’, in 2018 he published his first poetry collection, ‘Cortocircuito’. In 2020, for GM Press publisher, he published together his second miscellany, Tramonti di cartone.