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Tutto troppo presto All too soon.

Sex education for digital natives

Teenagers suffer from too many pressures pushing them to want everything and to experience everything too soon. Seduced by the media and encouraged by the market, they fight against their own body (dreaming a different one), against friends (to look bigger and better), against themselves (entering into promiscuous and risky behaviours). The war against they engage against their body and their premature sexualisation are very risky for their physical and psychological health. This book provides parents and educators with the tools necessary to understand messages and manage behaviours that may jeopardize the fragile balance of our teenagers in a very delicate phase of growth.

Alberto Pellai is a doctor and children psychotherapist. He is also a researcher at the Bio-Medical department at the Università degli Studi of Milan,. In 2004 the Italian Ministry of Health has awarded him the silver medal of merit in Public Health. He is the author of many books for parents and children. With DeAgostini he published 15 titles, and many best seller titles  such as L’età dello tsunami and Piccole grandi sfide.