15 September 2023

Age Pride. Per liberarci dai pregiudizi sull’età

by Ravera Lidia
Age Pride. Per liberarci dai pregiudizi sull’età

“Life is over when we stop moving. We have to be like athletes and move with life, pace ourselves, speed up or slow down on command, flex, then break into a sprint, never get thrown. We have to stay agile. Not young, but agile. Flexible. We need to learn to move with Time. Not by following outdated models, and never hiding. This above all: we must never hide”. A third of the population of Italy is made up of over 70-yearolds. These people still have decades of life ahead of them; a situation like this has never existed before. Is it a conquest or a condemnation? For it to be a conquest we need to be free of prejudices, those “fake truths that have never actually been verified, but that exist due to repetition, making us cowards and conformists”. These prejudices form the bars of the cage that imprison the third and fourth quarters of our careers as human beings. They need to be torn down so we can free up the strength and intelligence we have accumulated over the years, thanks to our experiences and self-awareness.Age Pride is an indictment against ageism in all its shapes and forms, including via introjection, of which we are often unaware. It’s a battle cry against the stigma that strikes those who are no longer young. But, above all, it is a well-circumscribed and convincing invitation to a possible party: we need to be proud of having lived, we need to share the desire to continue the journey of life, and consider each age as if it were a foreign land to be traversed with the curiosity it deserves – and not merely a stop on the Via Crucis to be dutifully accepted with resignation.By exploring her conflicted relationship with advancing age, Lidia Ravera lays claim to the majestic joy that hides within maturity, and explains how time can be transformed from an enemy – one that sneaks up on you, expecting you to unconditionally surrender – into an ally, allowing you to experience freedom and a true inner revolution.

  • Publishing house Einaudi
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 112
  • ISBN 9788806259419
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Zito -
  • Foreign Rights sold World Spanish rights (Malpaso)
  • Ebook
  • Price 13.00

Ravera Lidia

Lidia Ravera was born in Turin. Journalist and writer, she gained notoriety in 1976 with her debut novel Porci con le ali, the manifesto of a generation and a long-seller, with three million copies sold over forty years (today available as a Tascabili Bompiani, and even in graphic novel).She has written thirty novels. Over the years she has written for cinema, theatre, and television.

Age Pride. Per liberarci dai pregiudizi sull’età

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