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Filosofia della casa. Lo spazio domestico e la felicità

Philosophy has always had a special relationship with the city. It was born there, it learned to speak there and it is within its walls that it has always imagined its history and its future. But it is always and only through the mediation of a house that we are in the city. Whether in Paris or Berlin, Tokyo or New York, we are only able to inhabit the cities we live in thanks to bedrooms and kitchens, thanks to chairs, desks, wardrobes, bathtubs and radiators.Yet philosophy has always spoken very little about the home and this neglect is far from innocent. Because of it, the home has become a space in which wrongs, oppressions, injustices and inequalities have been hidden, forgotten and reproduced unconsciously and mechanically for centuries. It is in and through the home, for example, that gender inequality has been produced, affirmed and justified. It is in and through the home, and in the order of property it founds and embodies, that society has been organised in economic inequality. It is through the modern home – a space in which, with a few very rare exceptions, only human beings can stay – that the radical opposition between human and non-human, between the city and the forest, between the “civilised” and the savage, has been constructed and reinforced. Forgetting the home was a way for philosophy to forget itself.One of the most eclectic and esteemed European intellectuals of his generation tackles, with the tools of philosophy and his trademark originality, the theme of the home, the threshold between us and the rest of reality, the inexhaustible attempt to overlap our happiness with the world. And he has written an exceptional book: highly refined and prodigiously pop.

Emanuele Coccia is an Italian philosopher. Since 2011 he is a professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris.Among his publications La vita sensibile (Sensible Life: A Micro-ontology of the Image, 2011), Il bene nelle cose. La pubblicità come discorso morale (Goods: Advertising, Urban Space, and the Moral Law of the Image, 2014), La vita delle piante. Una metafisica della mescolanza (The Life of Plants: A Metaphysics of Mixture, 2017), Métamorphoses (2020).