Una lunghissima notte
by Strada Annalisa, Strada Annalisa, Strada AnnalisaNilla is 12 years old. Coming back from school she finds her townhouse empty. Her father is far away for work, her sister is in New Zealand for one-year study and her mother is not in. Also Gullo, her dog, has gone. When the darkness comes her mother is not back yet and doesn’t answer her mobile. With an excuse Nilla asks a neighbour who reassures her. As soon as Nilla is back to her kitchen, the power goes out. The counter is in the basement. Nilla is more and more worried and concerned about her mother. The houses in the surroundings are empty and dark, the neighbours left. The home phone is out of work. While Nilla prepares herself to hole up inside a room she hears her dog barking. Gullo is back and it looks like he is chasing somebody near the tool shed. Here Nilla finds the body of a dead woman, a horrible discovery that she reports to the police. Now the only place to go is her grandma’s house, but Nilla will keep on investigate until the criminal is caught and and her mother is back home sound and safe. The night will be very long.
- Nilla is alone in her dark and empty house. It’s the beginning of a very long night. An unusual night.
- An essential and sharp writing perfect for the pace of an intense noir.
- By an award-winning author, winnerof the Andersen Prize, a thriller for teenagers with a high level of adrenaline.
- Publishing house Pelledoca Editore
- Year of publication 2019
- Number of pages 137
- ISBN 9788832790146
- Foreign Rights Sarah Daumerie sarahdaumerieforeignrights@gmail.com
- Price 16.00 €
Strada Annalisa, Strada Annalisa, Strada Annalisa
Born in 1969, she write children and teenagers books. She also teaches in the secondary school. She has been awarded with many prizes such as: “Premio Gigante delle Langhe” for Il laboratorio di Mastino Machiavelli – Fino all’ultima mosca; “Premio Arpino” for 1861: un’avventura italiana; “Premio Andersen” for Una sottile linea rossa; “Premio Selezione Bancarellino” and “Premio Cento” for Io, Emanuela.