Italo Calvino in the World: Visual Translations

Italo Calvino is one of the best known, most widely read and therefore translated Italian writers in the world. The first translation into a foreign language is in French and dates from 1955: it is that of Il visconte dimezzato (The Cloven Viscount). Although France is, for biographical reasons (the writer lived in Paris for thirteen years) but above all for poetic reasons, the country most congenial to Calvino’s circulation and success, his books have been translated into many other countries and languages: from Bulgarian to Brazilian, from Basque to Russian, from Czech to Swedish, from Greek to Croatian, from Hebrew to Japanese, from Chinese to Polish, to name but a few. Among his most translated titles are Se una note d’inverno un viaggiatore (If on a winter’s night a traveller), Le città invisibili (Invisible Cities), Palomar, Il barone rampante (The Baron in the Trees), Fiabe italiane (Italian Folktales) and Le cosmicomiche (Cosmicomics).
It was in Paris, in 1995, that the first Fondo Calvino Tradotto was created, starting with a gift from Esther Singer Calvino to the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, which at the time was directed by Paolo Fabbri – the creator of the project. The original nucleus of the Fondo Tradotto has been enriched over the course of time, to the point of now counting some 530 translations preserved in the ‘Babelic’ rooms of the Hôtel de Galliffet.
As far as Italy is concerned, since 2017 the first foreign editions of Calvino’s books have been kept in the Fondo Italo Calvino (which until 2015 bore the name of Fondo Calvino Tradotto) and is now deposited at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome. This book collection, which comes from the writer’s personal library in his home in Rome – again a donation from Esther Singer Calvino and Giovanna Calvino –, includes the first foreign editions kept by Calvino himself and those collected by Esther Singer Calvino since 1985, and is still constantly updated with new publishing releases.
For Calvino, ‘translating is the true way of reading a text […] for an author, reflecting on the translation of his own text, discussing it with the translator, is the true way of reading himself, of understanding well what he has written and why’. Translation, therefore, is an extremely important and delicate operation in the life of a literary work. And indeed, the writer, who closely follows the editorial processes and events of his own books (and in particular the translation, especially in the languages he has mastered, i.e. French, English and Spanish) considers the translated text to be inevitably ‘impoverished, flattened’. At the same time, it is not surprising that Calvino had a privileged relationship with intellectuals such as William Weaver and François Wahl, who were not only his translators, but precisely other eyes with which to reread and observe his pages from a new perspective.
Even the covers determine, accompanying it, the life of a book. It is known that Calvino, in the words of Giulio Bollati ‘an excellent cover creator’, often chose or participated in choosing the covers of his books. For the first Einaudi editions, he favoured works by Paul Klee and Pablo Picasso; to these names were added those of René Magritte, Maurits Cornelis Escher, Albrecht Dürer, and even Saul Steinberg and Sergio Tofano. As time went by, the covers, ‘thresholds’ of the book – to use Genette’s words – became veritable paradigms of reading. This is the case, for example, with the dust jacket of Collezione di sabia (Collection of sand), a visual Calvinian work par excellence, published by Garzanti in 1984, which represents one of the “fish-eyes” of the Codex Seraphinianus reviewed in the book.
The exhibition that follows presents a selection of covers of foreign editions of Calvino’s books, from the Fondo Calvino Tradotto in Paris (as can be seen from the labels visible on the volumes), with the aim of highlighting them as thresholds of the (translated) texts and, in a certain sense, also as their visual translations. From kaleidoscopes made of books to cities made of tram wires or tentacles, from the mise en abyme of novel covers to shells or spiral-shaped fossils, from famous paintings or overcrowded miniatures to stylised, cartoonish drawings, these covers show how the imagery triggered by Calvino’s vivid writing is as universal as it is singular.
Greta Gribaudo, Université d’Aix-Marseille – Università “La Sapienza” di Roma
The exhibition ‘Italo Calvino in the world: visual translations’ was realised with the collaboration of the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris

Le Vicomte pourfendu (Il visconte dimezzato)
- Year: 1955
- Publisher: Paris, Albin Michel, tr. into French by Juliette Bertrand

One Afternoon and Other Stories (Ultimo viene il corvo)
- Year: 1957
- Publisher: London, Collins, tr. into English by Archibald Colquhoun and Peggy Wright

Végül arra száll egy holló (Ultimo viene il corvo)
- Year: 1959
- Publisher: Budapest, Zrinyi Kiado, tr. into Hungarian by István Nemeskürty

дети италии : Рассказьі современньіх, итальянских писателей (Un bastimento carico di granchi, Il bosco sull’autostrada, Il reggimento smarrito, Un viaggio con le mucche)
- Year: 1962
- Publisher: Москва, Государственное Издательство Детской Цитературы Министерства Просвещения РСФСР, tr. into Russian by Г. Богемсцово

Die überfallene Konditorei (I racconti)
- Year: 1968
- Publisher: Frankfurt, Fischer, tr. into German by Nino Erné

Kosmické grotesky (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1968
- Publisher: Praha, Československý spisovatel, tr. into Czechoslovak by Ela Ripellino-Hlochová

Opowieści kosmikomiczne (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1968
- Publisher: Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, tr. into Polish by Barbara Sieroszewska

Cosmicomics (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1969
- Publisher: London, Jonathan Cape, tr. into English by William Weaver

Le baron perché (Il barone rampante)
- Year: 1971
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil-Le Livre de Poche, tr. into French by Juliette Bertrand

Le chevalier inexistant (Il cavaliere inesistente)
- Year: 1972
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil-Le Livre de poche, tr. into French by Maurice Javion

La journée d'un scrutateur (La giornata d'uno scrutatore)
- Year: 1973
- Publisher: Paris, Gallimard, tr. into French by Gérard Genot

Invisible cities (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1974
- Publisher: New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, tr. into English by William Weaver

Näkymättömät kaupungit (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1976
- Publisher: Helsinki, Tammi, tr. into Finnish by Jorma Kapari

Le château des destins croisés (Il castello dei destini incrociati)
- Year: 1976
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil, tr. into French by Jean Thibaudeau and the Author

マルコヴァルドさんの四季 (Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città)
- Year: 1977
- Publisher: 東京, 岩波書店, tr. into Japanese by 安藤美紀夫

レ・コスミコミケ (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1978
- Publisher: 東京, 早川書房, tr. into Japanese by 米川良夫

Tämä vaikea elämä (I racconti: La formica argentina, La speculazione edilizia, La nuvola di smog)
- Year: 1979
- Publisher: Helsinki, Tammi, tr. into Finnish by Jorma Kapari

De usynlige byer 'Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1979
- Publisher: København, Rhodos, tr. into Danish by Lene Waage Petersen

Oraşele invizibile (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1979
- Publisher: București, Univers, tr. into Romanian by Sanda Sora

Romarine et autres contes (Fiabe italiane)
- Year: 1980
- Publisher: Paris, Fernand Nathan, tr. into French by Nino Frank

If on a winter's night a traveller (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1981
- Publisher: London, Secker & Warburg, tr. into English by William Weaver

Ako jedne zimske noci neki putnik (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1981
- Publisher: Zagreb, Znanje, tr. into Croatian by Pavao Pavličić

: Arioste - Roland Furieux choisi et raconté par Italo Calvino (Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto raccontato da Italo Calvino)
- Year: 1983
- Publisher: Paris, Garnier-Flammarion, tr. into French by Célestin Hippeau

Om en vinternatt en resande (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore) d
- Year: 1983
- Publisher: Stockholm, Bonniers, tr. into Swedish by Viveca Melander

Kosmokonische verhalen (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1983
- Publisher: Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, tr. into Dutch by Henny Vlot

Jos talviyönä matkamies (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1983
- Publisher: Helsinki, Tammi, tr. into Finnish by Jorma Kapari

Αν μια νύχτα του χειμώνα ένας ταξιδιώτης (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1984
- Publisher: Αθήνα, Αστάρτη, tr. into Greek by Ανταίος Χρυσοστομίδης

Приключението на един поет (I racconti - Marcovaldo)
- Year: 1984
- Publisher: София, Нар. култура, tr. into Bulgarian by Boiana Petrova

מעין הסמויות הערים (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1984
- Publisher: ספרית פועלים ,אביב תל, tr. into Hebrew by Gayo Shiloni

Palomar (Palomar)
- Year: 1985
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil, tr. into French by Jean-Paul Manganaro

Hvis en reisende en vinternatt (se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1985
- Publisher: Oslo, Aschehoug, tr. into Norwegian by Jorunn Aardal

Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1985
- Publisher: Berlin, Verlag Volk und Welt, tr. into German by Burkhart Kroeber

レ・コスミコミケ (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1986
- Publisher: 東京, 早川書房, tr. into Japanese by 米川良夫

Neviditelná mĕsta (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1986
- Publisher: Praha, Československý spisovatel, tr. into Czechoslovak by Ela Ripellino-Hlochová

The Uses of Literature: essays (Una pietra sopra. Saggi)
- Year: 1987
- Publisher: San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, tr. into English by Patrick Creagh

Cosmicomics (Le cosmicomiche)
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, tr. into English by William Weaver

Sous le soleil jaguar (Sotto il sole giaguaro)
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Paris, Seuil, tr. into French by Jean-Paul Manganaro

Collection de sable (Collezione di sabbia)
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Paris, Seuil, tr. into French by Jean-Paul Manganaro

La spéculation immobilière (La speculazione edilizia)
- Year: 1990
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil, tr. into French by Jean-Paul Manganaro

Aventures: nouvelles (Gli amori difficili)
- Year: 1992
- Publisher: Paris, Éd. du Seuil, tr. into French by Maurice Javion and Jean-Paul Manganaro

Six Memos for the Next Millennium (Lezioni americane. Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio)
- Year: 1992
- Publisher: London, Jonathan Cape, tr. into English by Patrick Creagh

Cosmicómicas (Le cosmicomiche
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Lisboa, Teorama, tr. into Portoguese by José Colaço Barreiros

As cidades invisíveis (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Lisboa, Teorama, tr. into Portoguese by José Colaço Barreiros

如果在冬夜,一個旅人 (Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Taiwan, China Times, tr. into Chinese by Wu Czhien-chen

看不见的城市 (Le città invisibili)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Taiwan, TCTP Co., tr. into Chinese by Wang Chih-hung

La gran bonanza de las Antillas (La gran bonaccia delle Antille)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: Barcelona, Tusquets, tr. into Spanish by Aurora Bernárdez

Por que ler os clássicos (Perché leggere i classici)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, tr. into Portoguese (Brazil) by Nilson Moulin

The Road to San Giovanni (La strada di San Giovanni)
- Year: 1993
- Publisher: New York, Pantheon Books, tr. into English by Tim Parks

Ermitaño en París. Páginas autobiográficas (Eremita a Parigi. Pagine autobiografiche)
- Year: 1994
- Publisher: Madrid, Siruela, tr. into Spanish by Ángel Sánchez-Gijón

Los libros de los otros : correspondencia (1947-1981) (I libri degli altri, lettere 1947-1981)
- Year: 1994
- Publisher: Barcelona, Tusquets, tr. into Spanish by Aurora Bernárdez

Varför läsa klassikerna (Perché leggere i classici)
- Year: 2011
- Publisher: Stockholm, Cartaditalias bokserie, tr. into Swedish by Gustav Sjöberg

I giovani del Po (Les jeunes du Pô)
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: Paris, Cahiers de l'Hôtel de Galliffet, tr. into French by Martin Rueff