Festival del Pensare Contemporaneo for newitalianbooks
The Festival del Pensare Contemporaneo aims to be a space for dialogue and the exchange of ideas between different experiences and knowledge, with the aim of developing a wealth of thought that is plural, free and stubbornly forward-looking. The first edition, held from 21 to 24 September 2023, was devoted to knowledge/imagination: an opportunity to actively experience what it means to think about the challenges of our time. Learning to read what is happening around us. Thinking about the society we want.
This month, the Festival del Pensare Contemporaneo offers newitalianbooks readers a focus on some of the most interesting non-fiction (humanities) titles recently published in Italy.
Delfini, vessilli, cannonate. Autobiografia letteraria
- Author: Affinati Eraldo
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: HarperCollins
La signora delle merci. Dalle caravelle ad Amazon. Come la logistica governa il mondo
- Author: Alemanni Cesare
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: Luiss University Press
Le grandi dimissioni. Il nuovo rifiuto del lavoro e il tempo di riprenderci la vita
- Author: Coin Francesca
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: Einaudi
Si è sempre fatto così! Spunti per una pedagogia di genere
- Author: Dulbecco Alessia
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: Tlon edizioni
Contro lo smartphone. Per una tecnologia più democratica
- Author: De Martin Juan Carlos
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: ADD editore
Boomers contro millennials. 7 bugie sul futuro e come iniziare a cambiare
- Author: Pagliaro Beniamino
- Year: 2023
- Publisher: HarperCollins