La mia tribù. Storie autentiche di indiani d’America
by Milandri RaffaellaA book that investigates the present and the past of American Indians through important research on archives, accompanied by a field investigation. Raffaella Milandri also tells us here about her emotional Indian adoption by the Crow people, in the same family to which Barack Obama belongs.Native American history, culture and problems are at the heart of this important text, which stems from research on over 5000 pages of US archives, bringing to light the truth about the relationship between Native Americans and the US government. Laws and agendas on how the ‘Indian problem’ was handled are revealed, right up to the revelation of a forced sterilisation plan that sought to deliver the last lethal blow to Native American communities. Packed with in-depth information and bibliographical references, it contains a focus on the Crow tribe and the reasons why they joined Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
- Publishing house Mauna Kea
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 430
- ISBN 9788831335188
- Foreign Rights Raffaella Milandri
- Foreign Rights sold NO
- Ebook 9788831335195
- Price 20.00
Milandri Raffaella
Writer and journalist, Raffaella Milandri is a human rights activist for Indigenous Peoples, an expert scholar of Native Americans and a graduate in Anthropology. She is an honorary member of the Four Winds Cherokee Tribe in Louisiana and the Crow Tribe in Montana. She has published over ten books, all on Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples, with a focus on human rights, in both a historical and contemporary context.