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Lessico Lakota. Storia, spiritualità e dizionario Italiano-Lakota

The first Italian-English-Lakota dictionary, enriched with the history, rituals and traditions of the famous Native American people. ‘When our people stop speaking Lakota, we will be Wasicu, White Men,’ say the Lakota. Their language has been handed down by oral tradition and has undergone many transformations due to written transposition and contamination by English. In this Italian-Lakota dictionary, which also contains the English translation, we find a point of reference. Based on a comparison of studies by Beuchel, White Hat and others, the work brings together the history and traditions of the proud Sioux-Lakota people, strenuous and ultimate fighters for their identity and for the right to their sacred lands, the Black Hills.

Writer and journalist, Raffaella Milandri is a human rights activist for Indigenous Peoples, an expert scholar of Native Americans and a graduate in Anthropology. She is an honorary member of the Four Winds Cherokee Tribe in Louisiana and the Crow Tribe in Montana.

Myriam Blasini, of Canadian descent, is a passionate scholar of the history of religions and multicultural and multilingual traditions.