Rossini in teatro e in cucina. «Crescendo» orchestrale e gastronomico
by Maia Andrea
Gioachino Rossini, since his childhood, had two passions: music and food; and in many of his works appear set tables and characters who devote themselves to food. The biographical story of this great musician ranges from his frenetic activity as a composer to his decision to give up music and transform himself, partly due to the aggravation of his nervous illness, into the maitre de cuisine who prepared legendary banquets for his guests. This essay examines the presence of food in the works and life of the famous composer of masterpieces of melodrama, such as The Barber of Seville, La cenerentola, Moses and William Tell, which still triumph in theatres all over the world.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2023
- Number of pages 112
- ISBN 9788865804957
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini Agency, annaspadolini@com
- Price 12.00
Maia Andrea
Andrea Maia has long taught in high schools and at the University of the Third Age. A great lover of literature and cuisine, he is the author of novels and gastronomic essays.