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‘The heart of the house is the kitchen’ wrote Picasso, who experimented with different types of food throughout his long life, from those of Malaga in his childhood to the Catalan dishes of his adolescence, and then the dishes of French kitchens (especially Parisian and Provençal) and even our classic pastasciutta, which an Italian model prepared for him and his lover Françoise in the hard times of the Bateau-Lavoir.

A tavola con Picasso by Andrea Maia is a palette of varied flavours that reflects the artist’s multifaceted personality; dishes and recipes that accompanied him throughout his life and are often found in his paintings.

Andrea Maia is originally from Niella Tanaro, in the Monregalese area, where he set his novels. In them, Piedmontese cooking is often present, given the author’s interest for gastronomy, dating back to his early youth.