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This book, written by a journalist specialized in astronautics and an engineer, aims to retrace the stages of this extraordinary undertaking. However, it is not only a book of a historical nature and, while using a language that is also accessible to a non-specialized public, it focuses on the technical details of the various missions. The spacecraft are then described, the materials they were made of, how they worked, what performance they could offer and more. Everything ends with a look towards the future of the lunar conquests which will almost certainly materialize in the construction of one or more permanent bases for a colonization of our natural satellite.

Sfter graduating in Engineering in 1987, for about 30 years, together with the technical profession, carried out an intense study and research activity, dedicating mainly his attention to issues concerning astronautics, rocketry, cosmic physics and space sciences. He also completed nuclear engineering studies and is very interested in advanced propulsion in space, especially from a nuclear source.