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Thanks to the numerous conversations held with various Spiritual Entities, made possible by the Medium Marzia Manuelli, inspired by the Spirit Guide ‘Grandpa Amek’, who introduced into the mediumistic conversations the Entities most suitable to answer the questions of Group A7, said group obtained a vast series of information and revelations on metaphysical matter. While human life makes its journey on Earth, the reasons for existing remain unknown: the various whys that torment the mind. Why were we born? Why do we die? Where are we going then? What really is the soul? This volume aims to answer these and many other questions, on the path of a path that includes the different moments of life, meaning both a present material existence (our body, our mind, our senses), and the existence ‘immaterial’ consisting of an immortal soul: what we call the Spark of Life. And precisely because it is immortal, it, and not our poor human existence, constitutes our true identity.

Renato Coppe initially worked as a manager then, in 1982, he changed jobs with the creation of a series of volumes on the nine provinces of the Emilia-Romagna region. Subsequently he  began to be interested in metaphysics and published Medianità di un Dio sconosciuto, followed by Messaggi dal Mondo dello Spirito andNuovi messaggi dal Mondo dello Spirito.