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Based on a true story, a casual event that marked his youth and his growing path, the first coming-of-age novel by the Italian psychoanalist Domenico Barrilà.

Sicily, late Sixties of the past century. During a visit at the cemetery, because of the premature death of his father, Domenico stumbles across some ruins. They hide the tomb of Henriette, a four-years old child, who died in 1883. An unexpected discovery, that addresses the life of the protagonist, perhaps even professionaly. Its epilogue forces us to look inside ourselves with more curiosity.

Domenico Barrilà is an adlerian analyst, and he attends to clinical activity since 35 years. He is the author of a successful series of essays on education and learning, and he is well-known abroad. Furthermore, he is a speaker of several seminaries and conferences, both for specialists and lovers.