La divisa sbagliata. Un indiano d’America tra le SS
by Folletti MarcoA surprising and accurate historical novel, set during the Second World War. Hitler’s promise, propagated in the United States by Elwood A. Towner and others, is to give Aryan citizenship to the Native Americans, whose culture he admires, and to return their stolen lands to them. His goal is to create an ally within the most hated enemy country, the United States of America. Saxton, a Cherokee who does not feel like an American patriot because he suffers from the history of violence and abuse suffered by his people, decides to believe Hitler’s word and enlist among the Nazis to fight his home country. Tormented by doubts about his choice, and praying he would never have to fight against his Native American brothers recruited into the US army, he begins an incredible adventure in the Nazi ranks, in Italy. Deployed on the Gustav Line and then on the Gothic Line, he will meet the Pope, the Führer and many people of the various factions, maintaining a pacifist and anti-Nazi moral conduct that, on several occasions, causes him to risk being shot.
- Publishing house Mauna Loa Edizioni
- Year of publication 2021
- Number of pages 392
- ISBN 9791280456021
- Foreign Rights Raffaella Milandri
- Foreign Rights sold NO
- Ebook 9791280456038
- Price 16.00
Folletti Marco
Marco Folletti was born in Novara and lives in Torrazza Piemonte, near Turin. He obtained his technical high school diploma and is interested in writing and historical research, collaborating with organisations, associations and historical groups. He promoted, in cooperation with the Consulate General of Poland, knowledge of the forgotten Polish Military Cemetery established in Chivasso after the victory of 1918. He has been an Underground Guide at the ‘Pietro Micca’ Military Museum in Turin.