30 October 2020

Ti racconto la Bibbia

by Cima Lodovica, Cima Lodovica
Ti racconto la Bibbia

The oldest and most exciting saga ever told to children and beautifully illustrated

The Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and the flight from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer… an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

size: 16,8 x 22,4 cm; hardback; 304 pp with color illustrations

  • Publishing house De Agostini
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 303
  • ISBN 9788851181017
  • Foreign Rights Maria Luisa Borsarelli
  • Price 18.00 €

Cima Lodovica, Cima Lodovica

Lodovica Cima has been working in the publishing world for children for thirty years.Creator and director of the fiction series “La giostra di carta” (Mondadori), currently she is coordinator of the Children’s Magazines of the San Paolo Publishing Group. She has published more than 200 titles for children and teenagers and since sixteen years she teaches at the Master by the Università degli studi di Milano, Fondazione Alberto e Arnoldo Mondadori and AIE

Ti racconto la Bibbia

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