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La cucina di Afrodite. Ricette e sapori di Cipro

This book comes from a kitchen on a tiny Mediterranean island called Cyprus, where the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty – Aphrodite – is said to have been born.Cyprus has a humble but alluring Mediterranean cuisine,where Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavors and ingredients often mix together. The author made an adventurous move and craved a change from the grey weather and life as a lawyer moving from London to Cyprus in 2011. Life doesn’t always follow precise plans so she never moved back.“I write this book with the hope that those living outsideof Cyprus might have a glimpse into this small but distinct culinary world, and those who have enjoyedits culinary traditions all their lives finally have a way to keep these traditions – many of which are being forgotten as the older generation passes away – alive through a visual and written story that will evoke memories of childhood past. You will find both traditional and modern Cypriot recipes inside this book”.

Graduated in Law at Oxford, she worked for years as a lawyer between London, Singapore and Canada. Following a sudden illness, she decided to change her life and follow her passion for food and photography. With her now very successful blog, she brings to the international public all the beauty and ingredients of her Cyprus.